Five Essentials: Liston

- Jack Smith
- On March 20, 2014
This week saw the release of Leeds-based producer Liston‘s Skyscrapers EP on Melodica Recordings – a four-track piece that stays true to the label’s namesake as it explores a vast array of different styles and musical tones, its themes all tied together within the producer’s fine-tuned production aesthetic.
There’s a real aural wealth on offer here: opener “Journey”‘s excellent progression around its sole constant in the form of a ticking hi-hat, before moving into the warm, vocal-led “Autumnal” as if the two were separated at birth; then onto title-track “Skyscraper”‘s dystopian intro and slow unravelling into staggered percussion and pensive ambience as it builds towards “Temperate”‘s brilliantly understated closing.
Careful and considered, brooding and emotionally charged, Skyscrapers EP is above-all wonderfully escapist and a glowing testament to the producer’s ever-developing capabilities. We thought it apt to get Liston on board for the latest instalment of our Five Essentials series – the five tracks that have most informed and influenced his approach to production and music in general. Happy listening people!
Lymon Woodard Organisation – Joy Road
I discovered this track recently from hearing ‘Big Boy Music’ by Sean Boog, and couldn’t help but want to hear the original sample that 9th Wonder used for the beat. Love the recording of the strings which is harsh but so full of colour.
Kwala- Neither Seen Nor Heard
This is part of a visual LP that I think everyone should watch in its entirety. I can’t think of many other producers who are as strong with textures, and this is a perfect example. The last section kills it.
The Hics – Cold Air
I can’t deny that I came across this track while playing Grand Theft Auto… Really nice stripped back production which really makes the great vocals shine through.
Letherette – Cold Clam
Been playing this tune heavily since it came out last year and still hasn’t lost its novelty. A wicked integration of samples and original sounds that epitomises the brilliant progression in the hip-hop beats they produce.
Segilola – Somewhere Along The Line
A fantastic track produced by Bambooman that was released as part of a four track EP last month. Love the melodic structure and progression, even the version without Segilola‘s wonderful vocals is equally beautiful.
Liston – Skyscrapers EP is out now on Melodica Recordings. Grab your copy via iTunes.