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Spotlight: LinG

Spotlight: LinG
Jack Smith

The start of the month saw newcomer LinG drop a single that sat a step above what you would usually come to expect from a debut release. Released on UK-based collective Get Some, Anthracite’s is an aggressive sound that draws influence from ‘Lord Of The Mics’ era-grime and industrial techno with a smattering of Burial-esque, cavernous atmosphere – certainly not a debut that expects to be embraced with open arms but one that celebrates these platforms within its own icy isolation. Having also plied his trade as a drummer – more recently with avant-pop trio Ninetails – before moving into solo electronic production, we thought we’d attempt to bridge the gap by sitting down with LinG to chat about the transition between the two.



So first off, tell us a bit about the switch-over from drumming to producing. Where would you say the crossover originated from? And what was the impetus for change?

There was never really a transition, I’ve been doing both simultaneously for a couple of years now. I began getting into production by making demos in Reason for my high school band and my thirst for production knowledge grew from there.


How would you say your experience as a drummer has affected your approach to music production? Does the practical nature of drumming transfer across well into a DAW-based setup?

My experience as a drummer has presented me with the opportunity to mix with numerous musicians from completely different backgrounds. Which in a way has helped to shape my various different approaches to production.

I think that completely depends on the drummer, but it does come in handy when playing percussion parts in real time.

How does the collective experience from Ninetails inform your more individualistic approach to production as a solo artist?

I feel very lucky to be involved in a project with two of the most forward thinking musicians I have ever worked with. Ninetails is an exciting project to be involved with because it constantly inspires me to be a better musician/producer. One thing I have learnt being involved in Ninetails is that it’s good draw a line under a completed project and move forward to new unexplored territory.



Taking Ninetails’ ‘Maybe We’ and your own ‘Droop’ as two examples of your stylistic range, is it fair to say that electronic production has allowed you to ‘let loose’ from a drum sequencing perspective? Where does the inspiration for the grittiness in the latter come from?

I wouldn’t say let loose, but it has allowed me to showcase a completely different side of my musical scope. I’ve always been interested in very aggressive sounds, whether that be from Grime, Metal, or DnB so I guess the grittiness of Droop comes from that.


What’s next for Ninetails and LinG – both release-wise and gig-wise?

At the moment i’m working on an album with Ninetails.

I make almost a track a week for the LinG project and I will keep working like that until something feels right.

There isn’t really much of a focus on gigging with both Ninetails and Ling. Its currently way more important for me to have a good back catalogue of recorded material.


And finally, what’s the one Urban Essential you couldn’t live without?

My computer.


Ling – Anthracite EP is out now on Get Some UK. Cop yours via Juno Download.

